Many times in the life of people we don't stop for a little bit and just think about life as a whole. How we are able to freely breathe in oxygen, how we go to the toilet with ease, how we have our two legs and arms, how the ability to hear, speak and talk comes with ease. Many of us also lived our lives like that till someday something happened and life took another turn.
I actually cant believe when someone open their mouth to say I really don't have a reason to be thankful, they will be like I have nothing left, they'll complain about the numerous deaths around them, about lack of money, about lack of food and the list goes on. For the fact that you're alive today is a reason to thank God for when there's life there's hope, when situations are so bad just go down on your knees and thank God that it won't always be like that.
Its hard for human beings to focus on the positive, the good things happening around them when the bad just seems to cloud their vision. Remember Psalm 150:6 'let everything that has breath praise the Lord' grow a habit of thanking God for what you don't have and that bad situation would fade away. See more pictures of why you should be thankful after the cut.
If you still dont have a reason to be thankful..... just visit general hospital, take a stroll.
No jokes, no hypes, no nothing, this is officially the most fascinating article I have read through out this year!! Bless you miss Shogunle