28 January 2014

Do Not Disturb-That pimple

   I remember this saloon I go to in Lagos, just opposite my grandparents place. They can make hair soo beautifully and nice you even feel like tipping the workers for nice work done, but there was a problem. The owner of the shop was obsessed with ZITS (pimples), any time I come to visit and she sees a zit on my face... she's popping it. Lol she's follow my face movement and make sure she gets her hands on my pimple, it was very upsetting but I was just soo helpless.

I never liked to pop my pimple since my dad told me it wasn't good, and since then i never popped a pimple and my face has been pimple free tho my skin breaks out whenever I eat too much oil or before I see my period.

Today I'll be fighting for the right of the pimple and also for the right of your face... it has come to my notice that both can co-exist

DND.... but you can treat it well so it leaves your face without scarring you or leaving your face rough and bumpy! Here are some tips

1- Drink a lot of water, it helps the skin a lot. I gave you guys some mathematics to solve on one of my post where I said at least 1litre a day, we know that 100cl = 1litre so buy a 50cl bottle water and drink 2 bottles it makes it easier to measure you intake of water... you could increase your intake for better results.

2- Do not pop your pimple because it contains a bacteria that when burst can spread to another part of the face and like that your face is full with zits.

3- If you have a special event and the zit is just soo large and attention seeking use baking soda(make a smooth paste with water), tooth paste that contains silica, natural lemon juice. If you look at the list you see that all these items have that drying agent ability soo what it does it suck out the moisture from the zit... be patient leave it long enough for better results.

4- Use iced water, this cold really help to stop the inflammation of the zit.... so rubbing the ice in a circular motion could get some attention reduced

5. I wont forget to tell you to please wash your face at least twice a day. Use a mild soap not something medicated or harsh, a small towel and an exfoliating glove. DO NOT SCRUB YOUR FACE! be gentle with exfoliating. Splash warm water unto your face to open up your pores, wash,exfoliate, then use cool water not cold for final rinsing the dry up with your towel :)

6. We know your soo pretty/handsome quit over touching your face because your hands has alot of dirt packed on it from different areas you might have been. If you cant help it trying sanitizing your hands soo your face won't suffer.

So that's it for today... If you have more tips, please let me know and leave a comment below *___*

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